Jeremy’s Journal

Keeping up to date

Keeping up to date. As part of our designs here at Jeremy Wood Designed Interiors we help our clients choose the right appliances for their design, their needs and their budgets. Over that last couple of weeks we have been receiving specifications for new and upcoming models from many of our suppliers as they update to meet the new energy rating requirements. So its been busy busy busy gathering the details and making sure that the information we work from is fully up to date. Just one of the many behind the scenes activities to ensure that Jeremy Wood Designed Interiors always delivers the best for our clients.

“We would just like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude for the work you have undertaken for us, we are very pleased with the results and the kitchen not only looks good but also performs very well, especially with regard to the design.”
Mrs & Mrs M, Leeds


100% unique

All our furniture is handmade in our own Yorkshire workshop. We use only the finest materials and time honoured techniques to ensure we deliver the best hand crafted furniture, which will last you a lifetime.


every step of the way

From our first visit to your home, to discussions with architects, to the design, through to the production and installation of your new commission, our friendly expert team are always on hand to answer your questions.