Keeping up to date

Keeping up to date. As part of our designs here at Jeremy Wood Designed Interiors we help our clients choose the right appliances for their design, their needs and their budgets. Over that last couple of weeks we have been receiving specifications for new and upcoming models from many of our suppliers as they update […]
New Display Coming Soon!

New Display Coming Soon! Meeting on the new display today. The same detailed care that we put into our clients installations needs to go into our displays. Only then can our potential clients see what makes Jeremy Wood Designed Interiors stand out. So we are checking orders for appliances, handles and all the other fine […]
Happy New Year

Happy New Year. The new year of 2024 started excitingly with the team at Jeremy Wood Designed Interiors finalising the design for our upcoming new display. The dilemma we have with our beautiful showroom is always what to put in a display. As one of the very few truly bespoke kitchen designers and manufacturers our […]